Videos tagged with Jayne Huckerby

  • As part of the Human Rights in Practice series, join the Center for International and Comparative Law and the International Human Rights Clinic for this program featuring Lauren Aarons, Head of Gender Team, Gender, Racial Justice, Refugees and Migrants Programme, Amnesty International; Sofia Coelho Candeias, Judicial Affairs Officer, U.N. Team of Experts on the Rule of Law and Sexual Violence in Conflict; Jayne Huckerby, Clinical Professor of Law and Director, International Human Rights Clinic at Duke Law; and Siobhán Mullally, U.N.

  • Clinical Professor Jayne Huckerby, director of the International Human Rights Clinic, and Clinical Professor Aya Fujimura-Fanselow, supervising attorney for the clinic, talk about the clinic's work, how students get involved, the skills that students learn, and their favorite part about leading the clinic. The clinic is a core component of the Human Rights Program at Duke Law. Through an extensive curriculum, Duke Law's international and comparative law faculty equips students to deepen their knowledge and critical assessment of human rights laws, institutions, advocacy, and scholarship.

  • In 'Closing International Law's Innocence Gap,' Duke Law Clinical Professor Jayne Huckerby, Professor Laurence Helfer, and Professor Brandon Garrett argue that now is the time to close a gap in how national criminal legal systems address post-conviction claims of factual innocence. They build a substantive case for recognizing a new international human right and detail the advantages of doing such, offering derivative and freestanding approaches, as well as a framework for adapting the right to national models.

  • As part of the Human Rights in Practice series, join the Center for International and Comparative Law and the International Human Rights Clinic for this program featuring Meg Satterthwaite, Professor of Clinical Law; Faculty Director, Center for Human Rights and Global Justice; Director, Global Justice Clinic; Faculty Director, Robert L. Bernstein Institute for Human Rights at NYU Law & UN Special Rapporteur on the independence of judges and lawyers. Professor Satterthwaite will discuss human rights and legal empowerment.

  • As part of the Human Rights in Practice series, join the Center for International and Comparative Law and the International Human Rights Clinic for this program featuring Katharine G. Young, Associate Dean of Faculty and Global Programs, Professor, and Dean's Distinguished Scholar at Boston College Law School, who will be discussing her piece on "Human Rights Originalism." Moderated by Jayne Huckerby, Clinical Professor of Law and Director, International Human Rights Clinic, Duke Law.

  • As part of the Human Right in Practice series join the Center for International and Comparative Law and the International Human Rights Clinic for this program on the connections between human trafficking and terrorism.

  • Please join the Center for International and Comparative Law and the International Human Rights Clinic for this program, a part of the Human Rights in Practice series. It features Sumi Madhok, Professor of Political Theory and Gender Studies, Department of Gender Studies, London School of Economics and Political Science; moderated by Jayne Huckerby, Clinical Professor of Law and Director, International Human Rights Clinic at Duke Law.

  • As part of the Human Right in Practice series, join the Center for International and Comparative Law and the International Human Rights Clinic for this special International Week program. We will discuss the opportunities and challenges of engaging with supranational institutions, including the UN, in doing human rights advocacy, specifically with respect to racial justice.

  • Khanyo Farisé, panelist, Africa Advocacy Officer, OutRight Action International

    Aya Fujimura-Fanselow, panelist, Clinical Professor of Law (Teaching) & Supervising Attorney, Duke Law International Human Rights Clinic

    Amanda McRae, panelist, Director of United Nations Advocacy,Women Enabled International

    Jayne Huckerby, moderator, Clinical Professor of Law & Director, Duke Law International Human Rights Clinic

  • While much attention has been paid to the human rights fallout of national security measures post-9/11, one area that is consistently overlooked is the impact of such measures on the family-both as a unit and for individual family members. This is the case with administrative and criminal measures that impact the family unit or members.

  • Pandemics affect individuals differently, with policy responses potentially worsening existing inequalities and discrimination for marginalized groups, such as women, children, older persons, those unhoused, people with disabilities, detainees, refugees, and migrants. Join us for a discussion on the risks of deepened inequality within the COVID-19 pandemic, and how governments can use a human rights-based and intersectional approach to ensure the rights of all persons are protected.

  • From the Green New Deal to the Vision for Black Lives, today's left social movements are turning to law reform as a way to reimagine our relationships to each other, the state, and the commons. Professor Amna Akbar, Professor of Law, The Ohio State University Moritz College of Law, discusses the possibilities and limits of these law reform campaigns to transform our thinking about law, law reform, and the work ahead to build a more just society. The program is moderated by Jayne Huckerby, Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the International Human Rights Clinic (IHRC).

  • Daniel Klaeren ’22 prevailed in the final round of the 2019 Jessup Cup international law moot court competition on Sept. 24. Klaeren squared off against Allyson Veile ’21, arguing a closed-universe international law problem before final round judges Professors Curtis Bradley, Laurence Helfer, and Jayne Huckerby.

    Sponsored by the Moot Court Board.

  • Nusrat Choudhury, Deputy Director, ACLU Racial Justice Program discusses modern-day debtors' prisons. The ACLU is fighting against the punishment of people who cannot pay money to courts simply because of their poverty, through arrest, jailing, driver's license suspensions, etc. Since courts generate revenue for local governments, these practices funnel poor and low-income people into cycles of debt, poverty, and involvement with the legal system.

  • Professor Jim Coleman, Duke Law and a N.C. Commission of Inquiry on Torture (NCCIT) Commissioner; Dr. Christina Cowger, coordinator of N.C.

  • The final round of the 2018 Jessup Cup moot court competition. Jessup Cup finalists Eric Roytman and Brent McKnight argued the case concerning the Egart and the Ibra before a mock International Court of Justice. The finalists were judged by a faculty panel including Professors Curtis Bradley, Jayne Huckerby, and Ralf Michaels."

    Recorded on September 24, 2018.

    Sponsored by the Moot Court Board

  • From the Human Rights in Practice Series: Samuel Moyn, Yale Law School, asks what is wrong with "forever war" - as the post-9/11 campaigns of the United States have been called. For a broad swath of critics, the trouble is its inhumanity - especially the peril it brings to civilians. What, however, if the opposite is true - and the problem is that the war on terror is the most humane war ever fought in history?

  • Dr. Christina Cowger, coordinator of North Carolina Stop Torture Now , Catherine Read, Executive Director of the North Carolina Commission on the Inquiry of Torture (NCCIT), Professors Jim Coleman and Robin Kirk (both NCCIT Commissioners), and Professor Jayne Huckerby (an expert witness for, and advisor to, the NCCIT) discuss the work of the NCCIT, a non-governmental and state-level inquiry which recently held public hearings on North Carolina's role in the CIA's post-9/11 rendition, detention, and interrogation program.

  • Judith Kelley, Senior Associate Dean and Terry Sanford Professor of Public Policy and Political Science at Duke's Sanford School of Public Policy, lectured on her recently published book titled "Scorecard Diplomacy: Grading States to Influence their Reputation and Behavior." This lecture addressed the potent symbolism of public grades that, despite lacking traditional force, can evoke countries' concerns about their reputations and motivate them to address problems. Jayne Huckerby, Clinical Professor of Law and Director of the International Human Rights Clinic, moderates.

  • "Tightening the Purse Strings: What Countering Terrorism Financing Costs Gender Equality and Security" represents the culmination of research, interviews, surveys, and statistical analysis carried out by the International Human Rights Clinic at Duke Law and the Women Peacemakers Program (WPP) to begin to fill the gap in understanding how responses to terrorism and violent extremism may in practice squeeze women's rights and their defenders between terror and counter-terror.

  • Recent actions by the Trump administration raise many unresolved legal issues. Although much of the focus has been on the U.S. Constitution, many of these actions also raise challenging issues of international law. Executive orders on immigration and the "global gag rule" implicate human rights and refugee law. Plans to withdraw the U.S. from or renegotiate NAFTA and introduce a border adjustment tax affect international trade law. U.S.

  • The Duke Muslim Law Students Association presents a timely conversation about the civil rights, policies, and incident reporting efforts that protect American-Muslims. Panelists discuss how both the legal community and the American-Muslim community can utilize these methods to safeguard the rights of Muslims in America. Panelists include: Darrell Miller, Professor at Duke Law, Jillian Johnson, Durham City Council Member, Hamza Butler, Creator of Panel moderator is Jayne Huckerby, Clinical Professor at Duke Law.

  • Klara Skrivankova, head of the Europe Programme and Advocacy Coordinator at Anti-Slavery International, discusses "Trafficking and the European Refugee/Migration Crisis." This event focused on the risks of trafficking in connection with the ongoing European refugee/migration crisis. The event coincided with the International Day for the Abolition of Slavery (December 2).

  • The 2015 LENS Conference, Law in the Age of 'Forever War', focuses on the legal issues that accompany warfare in a time when technology, relationships between nations, and the abilities of non-state actors to affect the international stage, are all changing rapidly. Speakers address some of the difficult issues that have come to define modern law as it relates to warfare: targeting, surveillance, home-grown terrorism, intelligence gathering in the digital age, ensuring human rights and civil liberties.

  • Ben Wizner, director of the ACLU's Speech, Privacy & Technology Project, gives a talk and participates in a Q&A on "Something to Hide: New Technology, Dragnet Surveillance, and the Future of Privacy." This event was co-sponsored by the Center for International & Comparative Law, the Center on Law, Ethics and National Security, the Duke Law American Civil Liberties Union, the Human Rights Law Society, and the National Security Law Society.